Sunday, October 6, 2013

Is There Such a Thing as Too Many Sewing Needles?

I hate not having the sewing needle that I need (and it usually involves breaking a needle in the middle of a project).  I've also developed a bad habit of stocking up on needles when JoAnn's has a sale on the notions wall (like I saw in the recent flyer).  My grammas would probably laugh - I don't remember either of them having terribly many needles on hand at any given time.  I also have something that they didn't have - access to groups that buy needles in bulk (that's how I have all of the Organ needles) and co-op them out. Thank You, Internet!

Because of this stash,  I needed to get a bit organized.  Yes, I misplace things.  Badly.  The below image is my current box.  It's a Plano fishing tackle box that I bought from  The price with shipping was less than what my local Cabellas charges & it's a better selection than what I was able to get at Bi-Mart.  I think that this box is the Plano 3780 - It's deeper than most boxes.  I used to have a "normal" depth box with the movable dividers, but the 10-pack of Schmetz needles were just a hair too big & were pushing up on the lid.  Now I have *tons* of room to organize by type and size!

Speaking of Schmetz needles - don't toss those cases! Singer needles and Organ needles aren't in these nice cases. The Organ needles are packed in a little foil-lined paper packet in packs of ten. A little tape or piece of post-it note are enough to relabel a Schmetz case with the right needle information & makes it easy to see how many needles are left.