Monday, March 25, 2013

'Fraidy Cat

For a change, this isn't about cat (the boys are doing fine).  This is about the girl who's becoming afraid - of damn near everything.  The stuffed bear at Cabella's (it's a taxidermy bear - looks real, but still not moving), the octopus tile mural on the floor of the pool, creatures in cartoons that she loves - you get the picture.  We put the kibosh on Calliou a long time ago when she was being whiney and reactive, but we're visiting that stage all over again.
I could rejoice - Chuck E. Cheese is on the scary creature list - but this is becoming a royal pain in the rear.  She's a very bright, imaginative, girl, but Godzilla isn't going to eat you.  Hopefully this proves to be just a phase and she'll not freak out at everyone in a mascot costume.  She was scared a year ago by someone in a Darth Vader costume, but she's getting old enough to understand that it's a person in a costume like when she dresses up on Halloween.
Tomorrow we try the pool again - let's see how it goes...