Friday, February 15, 2013

That last step's a Lulu

It's amazing how things can snowball when life acts up.  We're catching up from the aftermath of Lulu's death. Yeah, I'm a sap, but there's just big hole in the house now.  The boys (our other cats) are now realizing how much Lulu "took for the team" in terms of being the recipient of my 3-year-old daughter's attentions.   The kid's also learning that the boys have their own opinions about being a rag doll.  We're all learning to live without our "just chill out and snuggle" cat.
I let the vet send Lulu's remains over to the vet school for the students to examine and got a call back on the results.  She had thrown a large clot and had several more in her heart.  Even if we managed to clear the one clot, there were others waiting in the wings.  The poor thing had been our bad health karma kitty, so I'm not surprised. If the clot had gone another direction, it could have easily been a stroke.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Replacing DVDs

After my daughter broke a DVD trying to get it out if the case and searching for a replacement, I was told that Disney will replace damaged DVDs (for a charge).  Great, but this doesn't help me with DreamWorks titles (we love Toothless).  A quick search located this site:

Universal Home Entertainment DVD Replacement Program

I've already replaced my copy of "How to Train Your Dragon", but I'll need to keep this in mind for the next time a title gets mangled.  The price is reasonable enough and I can avoid bad bootlegs (equipment is getting good and it's harder identify the bootlegs).

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Frumpy Week

I'd say that it's been one of those weeks this week, but it hasn't.  I got a panicked phone call from my hubby on Wednesday morning that Lulu was having problems.  Her hind legs were paralyzed.  This is our 6-year-old blind cat who's been a total rag doll for our 3-year-old daughter.  She's had a really rough health history and this was very sudden.  She had hopped into the bathtub to get her drink from the faucet and was totally normal when I left the house.  It's saying something about her character when she was trying to *not* bite and scratch in spite of her pain and fear.

It's pretty likely that she an arterial blockage, possibly from a clot.  We held out the hope that the blockage could be cleared with meds, but it didn't happen (her legs were warm when she went to the vet, but were cold by morning) and we said our good-byes on Thursday.